Self-Care is not a bubble bath

Think you know what self-care is? Think again!

As a busy mom of 2 (with one on the way), business owner and wife, I know how hard it is to make time for self-care. It gets shoved to the back burner because we have SO many other things that need to get taken care of first.

No time. Too expensive. Doesn’t help me relax! I’ve been there and tried it all.

As a former School Counselor with years of experience helping others create self-care that works, while also struggling to figure it out for myself, I understand that self-care can seem unattainable.

But it isn’t! It is totally doable! You just need to shift your perspective on what self-care actually is first.

Self-care is NOT a Bubble Bath guides you through the basics of self-care to help you understand what the heck it really is, then gives you a brand new way to envision self-care for YOU.

Click here to order your copy today!

Order Now It’s time to choose YOU! Your health & wellness matter just as much as your loved ones’. Self-care is a game changer that will help you live your life instead of just muddling through it.

Sharon Blue, MS

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